Customs Brokerage
At Grupo Cargoquin we started as a customs brokerage over 50 years ago, so we have the experience to advise you on your foreign trade projects. We are located at the main Mexican ports and airports, which allows us to offer a wide service coverage. Besides, our compliance department will help you to comply with all legal provisions and regulations for the success of your business.

Our division in the US, Cargoquin, Inc. is certified by CTPAT. CTPAT stands for Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism and is part of the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) cargo control strategy.
Benefits of CTPAT
- Identify and mitigate vulnerabilities and internal security risks.
- Reduction in the number of inspections (CBP).
- Inspections at the front of the queue.
- Less waiting time at the border.
- Assignment of supply chain specialists.
- Access to free and secure trade lanes (FAST) at land borders.
- Eligibility to participate in importer self-assessment programs (USA).
Complete Solutions for your Supply Chain
Customs clearance of goods in its different regimes
- Permanent
- Temporary
- Tax warehouse
- Preparation, transformation or repair in a bonded warehouse
- Strategic Bonded Warehouse
Tariff Classification Specialists
Our team of classifiers is carefully selected and constantly trained. In addition, it has vast and verifiable experience to provide our clients with advice and security in their operation.
Digitization of Foreign Trade files
All your operation will be electronically supported. Part of our staff is exclusively dedicated to this task.
Generation of operation reports and personalized customs requirements
When you start operations with Cargoquin, Inc. you will have access to personalized operation reports in which you can monitor...
Hazmat Material Handling
A hazardous material is any solid, liquid or gaseous substance that due to its physical, chemical or biological characteristics can cause damage to human beings, the environment and property.
Electronic files interface for Annex 24
- Customs Modules
- Arrival customs information module
- Departure customs information module
- Information module on materials used
- Fixed asset module
- Reporting module
- Report of Arrival of Temporary Import Goods
- Report of Departure of Temporary Import Goods
- Report of Balances of Temporary Import Goods
- Report of Used Materials
Online Operations Visibility
With us, you will be able to monitor your operations online 24/7
Own customs license and backup license for the safety of your operations
Trust your operation to the experts. At Cargoquin, Inc. we have our own customs license and backup license to guarantee the safety of your goods.
Daily update of our tariff system
Personalized reports of your operations with filter option
- Report by harnonized code
- Report by part
- Report by part number
- Other
Automatic Declaration SED (Shipper- Export Declaration)
Compliance Systems
We offer advice on compliance with regulations issued by government authorities, which will facilitate and effective risk assessment. As well as the development of preventive actions within the legal framework aimed at shielding foreign trade operations.
Get a quote with us!
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